
Today would have been the 87th birthday of one of the most iconic First Ladies in American history and a quintessential Upper East Side Girl. We think of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis as a world traveller which of course she was both in and out of the White House.  But it is very interesting that … More Jackie!

1688 and New York

Thomas Dongan, first Royal Governor of New York Lately, I have been thinking about the connections between New York and the Glorious Revolution of 1688.  This may be because I am fascinated by the incompetence of James Stuart on the throne of England and Scotland. This July there are two anniversaries one celebrated; one not … More 1688 and New York

Washington’s Circle

  This is another book that has been on my reading pile. Washington’s Circle by David S. Heilder and Jeanne T. Heilder traverse territory that is not new to anyone who has studied George Washington.  However, they give a new twist to the creation of the presidency by examining the people who surrounded Washington as … More Washington’s Circle