A New Year’s Poem

One of the great delights of the 19th century was Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News.  Here is a poem that appeared on January 2, 1902, mentioning the rapid changes in society.  Enjoy! W HEN gentlemen, on New Year ‘s Day A century ago, In powdered wigs and slender swords Went calling in the snow, They rode … More A New Year’s Poem

December 7, 1941

Sunday, December 7, 1941 was one of those cold, clear New York winter days.  The citizens of New York had been following the news of rising tension with Japan and the war in Europe.  But, like most Americans, they felt secure behind the walls of water called the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  This December Sunday … More December 7, 1941

“Brooklyn’s Holocaust” – The Brooklyn Theater Fire

On the night of December 5, 1876, 900 Brooklyn residents settled in their seats for a lovely winter night’s entertainment.  The Brooklyn Theater located on Johnson and Washington Streets was one of Brooklyn’s largest and newest venues.  It had opened its doors in 1871 to great acclaim.  As all new buildings were at the time, … More “Brooklyn’s Holocaust” – The Brooklyn Theater Fire