The War That Ended The Peace

Over the last year of the COVID pandemic, I have found myself contemplating past historic events in a new light. The suddenness of the changes that the pandemic brought to every day life and the feeling that the changes may be permanent is not unique to 2020-21. Many articles have focused on the Spanish flu … More The War That Ended The Peace

Washington’s Circle

  This is another book that has been on my reading pile. Washington’s Circle by David S. Heilder and Jeanne T. Heilder traverse territory that is not new to anyone who has studied George Washington.  However, they give a new twist to the creation of the presidency by examining the people who surrounded Washington as … More Washington’s Circle

Revolutionary Dissent

This week our nation marked the 228th anniversary of the ratification of the United States Constitution.  Unsurprisingly, most Americans did not mark the day because we tend to take the Constitution for granted  – like the sun. The ratification debate was heated as well as polarizing.  Many Americans do not realize that many of the … More Revolutionary Dissent

BOOKS: George Washington and Benedict Arnold – A Tale of Two Patriots

This is a book that had been sitting on my “to read” pile for some time.  I am so glad that I finally picked it up.  The author, Dave R. Palmer, is the former Superintendent of West Point and he brings a military eye to both of these men.  Unlike other books about these opposite … More BOOKS: George Washington and Benedict Arnold – A Tale of Two Patriots