The Presidents of New York

  Today we celebrate “President’s Day” but until quite recently it was really the official celebration of George Washington’s birthday on February 22.  It is fitting that New York celebrates President’s Day since so many of our most important presidents have ties to our city. The first for obvious reasons is George himself.  He was … More The Presidents of New York

History Matters

There have been a great many articles written lately about how college students should major in STEM subjects if they want to get a job after graduation.  This has led to a decline in humanities majors on the university level, as supposedly, there are “no jobs” if that is your major.  Obviously, I disagree, especially … More History Matters


The past week’s comments by Spike Lee about his childhood neighborhood were interesting.  Since I grew up in the adjacent neighborhood, the Clinton Hill, I get what he means when he says the neighborhoods have changed.  But instead of just liquor stores and only a few Italian restaurants both neighborhoods are now not only beautiful … More Gentrification