The General Slocum Fire

  The East Village today has few remnants of its historic roots of the 19th and early 20th century as Kleindeutschland or “Little Germany.” Although there had been Germans settling in New York since colonial days it was not until the 1840s that there was a massive wave of Germans into the city.  Beginning in … More The General Slocum Fire

June 1775

As we approach Independence Day and the festivities that accompany the Fourth of July  we focus on the events of 1776.  We sometimes forget that the movement for independence was a long one that began somewhere between 1763 and the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord.   Like most of the colonies, New York … More June 1775

The Moving Dutchman

Who is Abraham de Peyster and why does he get moved around so much? Abraham who? Abraham de Peyster was mayor of New York in 1691 after a turbulent period in our history.  Although of Dutch birth, de Peyster was a successful politician, loyal to the British Crown and in 1701 became acting governor of … More The Moving Dutchman